Passionate about responsible investing ideas? Spread the word with #10for2021
Every year, Morningstar Sustainalytics’ presents investors with 10 ESG investment themes that can positively contribute to advancing United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. These are the most influencial investment opportunities featured in the annual outlook, with a focus on sustaining what we eat.
How will you make a difference?
Part 1: Eco-friendly Pesticides
Friendly food helpers
Part 2: Precision Farming
Waste not, want not
Part 3: Natural Food Preservatives
Better freshness
Part 4: Organic Feed
You are what you eat
Part 5: Sustainable Food
These farms are good for the environment
Part 6: Vertically-integrated Fish Farms
Don't waste fish
Part 7: Regenerative Ocean Farming
Improving the natural environment is a win-win
Part 8: Multi-use Plastics
Food packaging is meant to last
Part 9: Reducing Food Waste
Eliminate unnecessary food
Part 10: Food Redistribution
Food can be recycled!