Key Morningstar Metrics for Vanguard Total World Stock ETF
- Morningstar Medalist Rating: Gold
- Process Pillar: High
- People Pillar: Above Average
- Parent Pillar: High
Vanguard Total World Stock ETF VT offers unrivaled diversification and should prove difficult to beat over the long run. This comprehensive portfolio holds a piece of every investable stock in the world and has a low fee.
This fund tracks the FTSE Global All Cap Index, which includes stocks of all sizes listed in developed and emerging markets. Vanguard Total World Stock ETF weights them by market cap, an approach that benefits investors by capturing the market’s collective opinion of each stock’s value while keeping turnover low. Market-cap-weighting can be tough to beat because the market does a good job of valuing stocks over the long run. Occasionally, it will increase the fund’s exposure to expensive stocks when investors get excited about an area of the market. But this doesn’t undermine its long-term efficacy.
Broad diversification mitigates the impact of the worst performers on the fund’s overall performance. The index includes more than 9,500 stocks, and the managers almost fully replicate the benchmark. Vanguard Total World Stock ETF’s 10 largest names account for only 19% of its assets, making it one of the most diversified portfolios in the global large-stock blend Morningstar Category. By comparison, the average fund in the category has about 31% of its assets in its top 10 positions.
The portfolio’s diversification benefits extend to its regional exposures. It accurately represents the composition of the global market, with US stocks accounting for about 65% of assets. As a result, large American companies feature prominently among its biggest names.
Vanguard Total World Stock ETF: Performance Highlights
This exchange-traded fund beat the global large-stock blend category average by almost 1.5 percentage points annualized over the 10 years through December 2024. Vanguard Total World Stock ETF struggled against its peers in the years following the 2008 global financial crisis, when foreign markets were volatile and provided little return. But its category-relative performance improved dramatically starting in early 2016 when global markets entered a period of sustained stable growth. The strategy’s ETF share class outperformed the global large-stock blend category average by 1.9 percentage points per year between March 2016 and December 2024, while the slightly more expensive mutual fund share classes were close behind.
Overall, Vanguard Total World Stock ETF has lived up to its billing. Low-fee, well-diversified index-tracking funds typically post excellent long-term category-relative performance. But they rely on markets appreciating over time, so they may struggle to outperform an average of their actively managed peers during market downturns.
US stocks have been among the strongest-performing parts of this portfolio. Between March 2009 and December 2024, relatively strong returns pushed their weight from 44% of the fund to roughly 65%. Foreign stocks didn’t perform as well, returning less than their historical long-term averages.
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